Keep A Steady Hand On The Tiller

Staying composed when storm clouds bring bad weather is not easy but, just as keeping a steady hand on the tiller and staying calm is the key to reaching a port safely, avoiding the urge to make changes in volatile markets is the key to long-term investing success.
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What’s In A Name?

What's in a name? Maybe more fees that you realize.
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Are Hedge Funds Prudent for Taxable Investors?

When you put fees and taxes together, you get a sense of just how skilled a hedge fund manager has to be to generate meaningful returns for a taxable investor.
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Pavlov’s Brokers?

Does Pavlov explain a great deal of the way Wall Street works?
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Is Bad For Business Sometimes Good?

Many traditional asset management firms are resisting change that will come if they are held to a true fiduciary standard.
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Rock Science

The best ideas often from keep-it-simple “rock science”, not rocket science. 
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